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Showing posts from April, 2017

chapter 11

Dear diary, Today did not go as planned I have absolutely no one in my tribe anymore. We went to castle rock to go and get piggy's glasses back. Then the worst of it happened they hit piggy with a rock and he fell off a cliff and died. Then me and Jack were fighting and he tried to get his hunters on me but I escaped. They also took Sam and Eric to be a part of their tribe or the would be tortured. So I don’t know what to do now cause I just want to go home.

chapter 10

   Dear diary, today I was thinking about Simon. That it was not good because I was there I did not help him from becoming to be killed. So he was killed and now I think I am a part of the murder. Also I group is down to just a few of us. There is Piggy, Sam, Eric, and I. There also is a few littluns. That night we all got attacked by Jacks hunters I was beat really badly and they also took piggy's glasses. This island is now just chaos and I just want to go home.

Chapter 9

Dear diary,   Today was not good this island is turning into chaos. Most of the kids went with Jack and followed him after the dinner. There was also a storm but we had no shelter. Then the worst part was when Simon came out to tell us that the beast was not real the hunters though he was the beast. Then they started to kill him and they did. On Jacks side of the island the conch doesn’t mean anything and changed all my rules and took my leadership. This island is now going to be chaos.

Chapter 8

Dear diary, Today was not a good day at all. All the boys where raging that there was a beast on the mountain. So then Jack try to steal my job and he blow the conch shell together these boys together and tell them about this beast. I'm not in a good mood because I just want to go home. Everyone else seems to not care. Then Jack said if he's not the leader he is leaving and any one can come with him. So then he left cause the boys still kept me in charge. Later that day Simon and other boys went to search for the beast and Piggy cheered me up with an idea of how to get rescued and the boys followed the order and started to build the fire on the beach. Some of the other boys snuck away and went with Jack. Jack got his group together and kill a sow and offered it to the beast. Later that night Jack came over and offered us to come and eat dinner with them and Simon went to the top of the mountain. Simon went and saw the sow and thought about the Pigs head. Then he t

chapter 6

Dear diary, Today there was a dog fight over the island. So me and Simon walked the kids to bed. We had Sam and Eric on the look out to see what was going on but they were no uses because they had fallen asleep. Then Sam and Eric woke up and came running to me saying when they were trying to keep the fire up they saw the beastie.  I called a meeting immediately after they said that they saw a beastie. So we went looking for it with spears. We went on a part of the island that we have never walked on before. This time I lead the hunt me and Jack went in the cave searching for the beastie while the rest of the boys went to the hillside and started to climb. But all it was is a dead person with a parachute.

chapter 5

Today is the day I call the meeting. I was just walking across the beach and thinking about how I was not such a great leader that I thought I was. So the meeting today will be about me being not such a good leader and how we can get are group into line. So I will call the meeting later on in the day. Now it is time for me to call the meeting. So I'm blowing the conch shell. Everyone is here now. He goes my big speech. There is nobody working no one is getting water, no shelters are built, no one uses the bathroom area. This is getting out of line. There is also no monsters or beast on this island. A few of the littluns spoke up and said that they saw the beast themselves but I don’t believe it. Then Jack runs away and the rest of the boys ran after him. The only people that are left is piggy, Simon, and I. this is no good so Piggy told me to blow the conch shell but it was ignored. Then I had a plan we have to find the and restore civilization and leadership.

Chapter 4

Today I was furious everything went wrong, so let me start off with that Jack is the one who is supposed to start the fire and make sure the fire stays lit. The hunters and Jack went out to go hunt that pig that he clearly can't stop till he kills it. So he went out to go hunting for it and it was the wrong day not to start the fire. Today a boat went by and sense the fire went out the could not see us. This got me very upset because this could be the only chance we could have went home.   So now you can image I'm am furriest at Jack because all he cares about is that dumb pig and it is more important to be rescued the n to kill the pig. Then later on him and his hunters come back covered in blood chanting this bizarre chant about them killing this pig. Then I told Jack what happened and he really didn’t seem to care and now I'm very mad that I always have to do everything. So then I took a walk and decided that I was going to call a meeting but in this meeting things a


The conch shell is a way of civilization. It is a shell that the kids found in the water and they use it to call assembles and they use it for talking. The only way you can talk at a assembly is by using the conch shell. The only person that can interrupt is ralph. The conch shell is a smart thing to use. Therefore there is no quarrels at the assembles because it shows a way of civilization. The glasses. These glasses are used to start the fires on the mountain. The glasses are used for people to be able to see. Piggy is the one who uses the glasses to see. The person who starts the fire with theses glasses is Jack. They symbolize the fire and they also symbolize vision. The fire represents that they need to be rescued in this story. In everyday times it used for warmth and to cook etc. the person in the story who starts the fire is Jack. He starts the fire by piggy's glasses. They need this fire so they can get rescued from this deserted island.

The Beastie

The beastie is different things if you ask other boys. So here are what they think it is. The littluns think it is a giant snake. Simon thinks the beastie is in everyone's head cause everyone has a little evil in them. Ralph doesn’t even think there is a beastie and either does piggy. Jack says even if there is a beastie out there he is going to kill it. I don’t think there is a beastie but if there is one I would think it would be a giant snake. The reason I think it could be a giant snake is because the littluns play everywhere and one of their friends disappeared. So if he is gone it has to be from something so if there is a beastie I would think it would be a giant snake.

chapter 3

Today me and the boys will try to build some shelter but it will probably just end up being me and Simon. So that is what happened exactly so now I'm mad because nothing gets done around here. They think it's just a giant playground. So I think I'm going to have to call a meeting again. Ji called the meeting and the same thing happened they would work for five minutes and then stop working and then go off and play again. So now I'm going to have to do everything by myself like always. It just a normal day like always me doing all the work. So this was my day as usual I end up doing all the work but I got to come up with a plan so they will help two.