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Showing posts from March, 2017

Conch Shell

The conch shell symbolizes a way of civilization. If someone has it they can speak if they don’t they cant. This is important so the group is not out of hand and it is civil so they can get things done. The boys use it to talk and Ralph uses it to call meetings. It is used for talking without interruption and it is also used if there is an assembly needed so it happens at the time Ralph calls them.

Chapter 1

Dear diary, I'm Ralph and I was just in a plane crash and the plane split into two. The front of the plane was completely in flames and that is where all the adults where. So now I am on a abandoned island and the worst part about it is that we are all kids plus I'm one of the oldest ones. I met a kid on the beached today his name was piggy he was chubby seemed pretty smart and wore glasses. he seemed cool but we had to figure out what we were going to do now the we are stuck on a island all boys from the ages of 12 and under. So there is a kid named Jack and he wants to be the leader of us boys but I think that I would be a better fit. This kid Jack said he should be the leader because he has a good voice but I don't know what a voice has to do with leading us. So we decided that we were going to have a vote to see if Jack or I were going to be the leader of the group. Then we had a vote and I won. Today I found something cool a conch shell. I just got to figure out what

D day Journal

William is probably effected by this day cause it was such a tragedy. He was effected by this because it was a live or die situation and it probably was scary. He probably questions the goodness of man because it was man vs man war and if man was good there would be no war and killing other man. Man is born with goodness it is a taught behavior when you become a barbaric person   when your born you don't want to kill people but it can be   taught by your surroundings of the people around you. So these are the reason why I think this man question mankind and also how there are barbaric people and how they came to be.